Career Starters: 6 ways to a good career choice

  • Is everything great and you have so many different interests that you can’t decide what to go for? Or are you bored, and nothing really inspires you?
  • Do you know someone who has a really cool job? How can you achieve the same?
  • Do you know your strengths and interests?
  • Which working environment makes you happy and gets the best out of you?
  • What’s the best for you? University or apprenticeship? Which subject or which profession?
  • If you don’t know yet, how can you find out what you are able to do and what you want? Finding your way – that’s easier said than done. Everyone else (friends, parents) knows what is best for you, but you don’t. We can make a clear plan for you in a three hour workshop. 6 ways to find out what you love!

Interested? If you want to know more about me and my way of working, please contact me here. I would love to get to know you in a first discussion or provide a free 30 minutes phone coaching.

Make an appointment now: +49 157 59 06 45 52 or +33 652 37 38 66!

I look forward to meeting you soon!